Kleiner Patch für Thief

Autor des Artikels: Steven Wilcken


PC Spieler haben im Lauf der letzten Woche einen kleinen Patch für Thief erhalten. Große Änderungen bringt dieser nicht mit sich, sondern konzentriert sich auf die Perfomance, sowie das verbessern kleinerer Fehler.

  • Fixed an issue where when finishing a chapter, the user would be brought back to the start. That primarily occurred around the April 1st.
  • Fixed several audio issues, including:
    – Issues with sound occlusion, being able to hear NPCs talking through walls.
    – Issues with music being relatively loud in several chapters.
    – Issue with credits music.
  • Fixed an issue with shadows that would occur on certain Nvidia and Intel GPUs.
  • Fixed issues where the quicksave would be overwritten.
    – Quicksaves now occupy a seperate slot internally and in the loading menu. To load a quicksave press F9 or go into the Load menu and select the Quicksave Slot.
  • Increased dedicated texture memory pool size for Intel GPUs.
  • Fixed an issue where several documents were missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spectral Aspect trinket had no effect.
  • Fixed an issue where player was unable to look around while using the handwheel.
  • Button prompts in the station screens now update automatically based on the user input method.
  • Several minor bug fixes.
Patch Notes

The post Kleiner Patch für Thief appeared first on GameOnPC.de.